Access and deal with your data on Amazon S3 with ease with CloudMounter for Windows. In order to connect S3 via CloudMounter, proceed with the following steps:

1. Select Amazon S3 in the new connection dialog: 

2. Insert the connection name:

3. Insert your access key and secret key into the corresponding fields.

4. Enter Server endpoint. Server Endpoint allows getting access to S3 compatible cloud storages like Wasabi, S3For. Me, Hyperstore, Minio, etc. To connect to such services, you need to enter the access key ID and secret access key for that service in the corresponding fields, as well as the URL address in the Server endpoint box.

Note: By default, it is the Amazon server endpoint.

5. Choose the bucket’s name from the drop-down menu. Or you can use the / (slash) character to indicate the root directory as well. In this case, all the buckets will be present as subfolders in the mounted drive. The region will be automatically detected.

6. Click Mount.

Note: In order to mount S3, the app needs to have access to the AWS credentials. You can find this information in the Security Credentials section of the AWS "My Account/Console" menu.