In VSPD, there is a Bundle panel with a bulk of relevant information and several useful features. To get there, click on a port pair.

Here is what you can find in this panel:


“Edit” is for quick access to the port pair settings.

“Delete” is for the selected port pair deletion.

The “Break” button is for the emulation of a physical line break. After you click this button, it gets replaced with the “Restore connection” one, and vice versa. 

Ports status: shows if the ports are paired or unpaired.

User session: shows if this pair was created for the current user session only (by default, it’s not).

Baudrate emulation:  shows whether the strict baudrate is enabled/disabled.

Pinot: displays which pinout preset is used.

Next, there will be information on each port in the bundle separately.

Real port (a physical COM port existing in your system):

COM port

Real port, set as Main:


Virtual port (created by VSPD):

Virtual port

Virtual port, set as Main:


Shared virtual port:

Shared virtual port:

Shared virtual port, set as Main:

Shared Main

The app with access to the port:




Port status: shows if the port is closed or opened by some application. 

Opened by: here you’ll see the destination folder and application name which occupies this port, after you’ve opened it with that app (e.g. Windows HyperTerminal). 

Port access list: you can see if any masks were applied (click “Show rules” to view the list).

Current settings: shows the port’s baudrate, parity, data bits, stop bits, and flow control.

Sent/Received – shows how many bytes were sent to/received from this port.