FlexiHub Product Page

FlexiHub for Linux comes with a command-line utility for controlling the FlexiHub service: listing the devices on different computers, connecting/disconnecting, sending connection invites, etc.


fhcli [COMMAND] [OPTIONS...]

Available Commands

  • help – display help information;
  • status – show the computer status;
  • license – show the current subscription type;
  • login – log in the computer to an account;
  • show-local – show the local computer;
  • show-remote – show the remote computers of the current account;
  • show-invite – show the connection invites from other accounts;
  • set-comp-name – rename a computer;
  • logout – log out a computer from the account;
  • connect-device – connect a remote device;
  • disconnect-device – disconnect a device;
  • default-connect-parameters – show or set the default connection parameters;
  • set-device-description – set a description for a local device;
  • clear-device-description – clear the description for a local device;
  • lock-device – lock a local device;
  • unlock-device – unlock a local device;
  • set-comport-name – set a name for a remote serial port;
  • clear-comport-name – clear the name for a remote serial port;
  • get-proxy-settings – get the current proxy settings;
  • set-proxy-settings – set the new proxy settings;
  • change-existing-connection-params – change the existing connection parameters;
  • forget-connection – forget a connection;
  • send-invite – send a connection invite;
  • accept-invite – accept a connection invite;
  • delete-invite – delete a connection invite;
  • whoami – show the current account ID;
  • version – show the version of the software.

Run help COMMAND to get detailed help on a specific command.


All commands that perform actions on devices require ID_DEVICE – a two-part argument of the form {ID_COMP}-{IDx} that uniquely identifies the device and the computer that hosts it. Here:

  • ID_COMP is the ID of the computer;
  • IDx is the real ID of the device or the hash thereof.

ID_DEVICE can be determined by running the show-local, show-remote or show-invite commands and checking the value in their output's leftmost column. For instance, for show-local you may get:

41      Local computer: 'my-computer' (3 devices)
41-59       USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse – LOCKED
41-66       USB Multimedia Keyboard – LOCKED
41-ad       USB to Serial


  • 41 is the ID of the local computer named my-computer;
  • 41-59 – is ID_DEVICE of the mouse attached to the computer, by which you can refer to this device in other commands.

For instance, you could unlock the above device by running:

fhcli unlock-device 41-59



Display help information.


fhcli help [COMMAND | --all | --id-device]

If a command is given, display help information on that command; otherwise, list all available commands.

Instead of the command name, one of these options can be used:

  • --all – show help on all commands;
  • --id-device – show help on the ID_DEVICE parameter accepted by some commands.


Show the computer status.


fhcli status

Show whether the current computer is logged in or requires a login, whether its drivers are okay, or whether there are problems connecting to the FlexiHub service.

Alias: st


Show the current subscription type.


fhcli license

Show the subscription details, provided that the computer is logged in on the central server.

Alias: lic


Log in the computer to an account.


fhcli login EMAIL [--reset-all]

Log in with the specified email (the password will be prompted).

If a "maximum number of computers in account" error is returned, the --reset-all option can be supplied to retry the login after force logging out all other computers in the account.


Show the local computer.


fhcli show-local [--no-devices] [--verbose] [--no-invites]

Get information about the local computer and attached devices.

The options are:

  • --no-devices – disable output for the devices;
  • --verbose – enable verbose output for devices info;
  • --no-invites – disable output for the connection invites.

Alias: shl


Show the remote computers of the current account.


fhcli show-remote [--online] [--offline] [--no-devices] [--verbose] [--no-invites]

Get information about the remote computers of the current account and their devices. (By default, both online and offline computers are shown.)

The options are:

  • --online – show only the computers that are online;
  • --offline – show only the computers that are offline;
  • --no-devices – disable output for the devices on the listed computers;
  • --verbose – enable verbose output for devices info;
  • --no-invites – disable output for the connection invites.

Alias: shr


Show the connection invites from other accounts.


fhcli show-invite [--online] [--offline] [--no-devices] [--verbose]

Show information about the computers and devices in other accounts available to the current account via connection invites.

By default, all available invites are shown, for both online and offline computers and/or devices.

The options are:

  • --online – show only the computers and devices that are online;
  • --offline – show only the computers and devices that are offline;
  • --no-devices – disable output for the devices on the listed computers;
  • --verbose – enable verbose output for devices info.

Alias: shi


Rename a computer.


fhcli set-comp-name ID_COMP NAME

Assign the specified name to the computer with a given ID.

ID_COMP can be retrieved by running show-local or show-remote; for the local computer, the value of local is also accepted.

NAME should be double-quoted if it contains spaces.

Alias: scn


Log out a computer from the account.


fhcli logout ID_COMP

Log out the specified computer (local or remote) from the account.

ID_COMP can be retrieved by running show-local or show-remote; for the local computer, the value of local is also accepted.


Connect a remote device.


fhcli connect-device ID_DEVICE [--compression=VALUE] [--auto-reconnect|--no-auto-reconnect]

Connect to a remote device, either hosted on a remote computer in the current account, or available to the current account via an accepted connection invite.

The value of ID_DEVICE can be retrieved by running show-remote or show-invite.

The --compression option takes the following values:

  • bestspeed;
  • bestsize;
  • no.

If --compression is omitted, the default value is used (see default-connect-parameters).

Alias: cond


Disconnect a device.


fhcli disconnect-device ID_DEVICE

Disconnect a connected device (local or remote).

The value of ID_DEVICE can be retrieved by running show-local for local devices and show-remote or show-invite for remote devices.

Alias: disd


Show or set the default connection parameters.


fhcli default-connect-parameters [--compression=VALUE] [--auto-reconnect|--no-auto-reconnect]

With no options, show the current connection parameters. Otherwise, set the parameters specified.

The --compression option takes the following values:

  • bestspeed;
  • bestsize;
  • no.

Alias: dcp


Set a description for a local device.


fhcli set-device-description ID_DEVICE DESCRIPTION

Set a user-defined description for the local device with a given ID.

The value of ID_DEVICE can be retrieved by running show-local.

DESCRIPTION should be double-quoted if it contains spaces.

Alias: sdd


Clear the description for a local device.


fhcli clear-device-description ID_DEVICE

Clear the user-defined description for the local device with a given ID.

The value of ID_DEVICE can be retrieved by running show-local.

Alias: cdd


Lock a local device.


fhcli lock-device ID_DEVICE

Lock the local device with a given ID.

The value of ID_DEVICE can be retrieved by running show-local.

Alias: ld


Unlock a local device.


fhcli unlock-device ID_DEVICE

Unlock the local device with a given ID.

The value of ID_DEVICE can be retrieved by running show-local.

Alias: ud


Set a name for a remote serial port.


fhcli set-comport-name ID_DEVICE NAME

Set a custom name for the remote serial port with a given ID.

This name will be assigned to a local virtual serial port created after connecting to a remote device. If no custom name is set, the original name of the remote serial port is used.

The value of ID_DEVICE can be retrieved by running show-remote or show-invite.

NAME is a string of the form COMn (COM1, COM23, etc.).

Alias: spn


Clear the name for a remote serial port.


fhcli clear-comport-name ID_DEVICE

Clear the custom name for the remote serial port with a given ID.

The value of ID_DEVICE can be retrieved by running show-remote or show-invite.

Alias: cpn


Get the current proxy settings.


fhcli get-proxy-settings

Alias: gpx


Set the new proxy settings.


fhcli set-proxy-settings [--enable|--disable] [--host=HOST] [--port=PORT] [--type=TYPE] [--auth|--no-auth] [--user=USER] [--passwd=PASSWORD]

Alias: spx


Change the existing connection parameters.


fhcli change-existing-connection-params ID_DEVICE --compression=VALUE

Change the connection parameters for an established connection.

The value of ID_DEVICE can be retrieved by running show-local, show-remote or show-invite.

The --compression option takes the following values:

  • bestspeed;
  • bestsize;
  • no.

Alias: ccp


Forget a connection.


fhcli forget-connection ID_DEVICE

Forget about an offline device and no longer try to reconnect to it.

The value of ID_DEVICE can be retrieved by running show-remote or show-invite.

Alias: fc


Send a connection invite.


fhcli send-invite ID_DEVICE EMAIL

Allow the computers of the account associated with EMAIL to connect to the specified device.

The value of ID_DEVICE can be retrieved by running show-local or show-remote.

Alias: sendi


Accept a connection invite.


fhcli accept-invite ID_INVITE

Accept an invite from another account.

The value of ID_INVITE can be retrieved by running show-invite.

Alias: acci


Delete a connection invite.


fhcli delete-invite ID_INVITE

Delete a connection invite, accepted or not.

The value of ID_INVITE can be retrieved by running show-invite, show-local or show-remote.

Alias: deli


Show the current account ID.


fhcli whoami


Show the version of the software.


fhcli version