Once you’ve created a Donglify account, you can start sharing your USB dongles for remote access. 

In order to establish a connection to a remote USB device within the same Donglify account, take the following steps:

1. Download and install Donglify on your local computer to which your device is attached directly and the computer from which you are going to connect to it remotely.

2. Launch the program on your local computer and log in to your account, then do the same on the remote machine.

3. On the local computer, share the device to make it available for remote connection

    - Connect the device to your computer. 

    - Start Donglify and click the “Plus” icon:


Note: To view all local devices that are ready to be shared, you can also click the “+” icon located in the top right corner next to the More options icon. 

    - In the invoked window, you’ll see a list of your local USB device

list of USB devices

The Multi-connect icon indicates that a device can be shared with several remote computers simultaneously. A USB dongle shared with multiple remote computers remains available for use on the machine to which it’s connected physically.


The Single-connect icon indicates that a device can be accessed from only one computer at a time.  


Note: If a USB security dongle you use is not available for the “Multi-connect” feature, you can send a request to our support team, and we will consider adding the “Multi-connect” support for your USB dongle:




The icon Unsupported indicates that Donglify does not work with devices of this type. In this case, you can share your device using FlexiHub instead:



    - Check the radio button next to the required dongle and click Share.


4. On the remote computer, find the device you need and click Connect: 


Once the connection is established, the device will appear in your system as though it were connected to your computer physically.


5. After you have finished working with the device, you can Disconnect it from your computer. 


Note: Logging in to your account in the Donglify application is not the same as logging in to your account on the Donglify website. In the web interface, you can only see which computers are currently logged in to your account and log them out if required.