Built-in packer provides the following options when working with the packed file formats, namely:

  • Extract, create and modify - here you can not only open and create an archive but also, copy, move, delete, edit, search, browse, and create new folders directly in an archive, etc. The supported formats are:

    .zip, .7z, .txz(.tar.xz), .tlz(.tar.lzma), .tbz(.tar.bz), .tgz(.tar.gz), .tz(.tar.z)

  • Extract and modify - you can open and modify archive without the possibility to create the archive of the following type. The supported formats are:

    .ipa, .apk, .jar, .ear, .war, .zipx, .xpi, .tar, .cab, .bz, .bz2, .taz, .z, .gz, .lzma, .xz, .tb, .tb2, .tbz2(.tar.bz2)

  • Read-only - allows you only to extract the archive and search through the content without the possibility to create and modify it. The supported formats are:

    .rar, .xip, .xar, .iso, .cab

Free version of the Commander One is limited to .zip format only (extract, create, modify). The rest of the supported formats are available in the PRO Pack mode.


To open the archive to see its contents, click Enter.

To open the file in an archiver program, click Alt + Enter.

To compress files, do the following:

1. Select the files you want to pack.

2. Choose the "Compress selected file(s)" option from the right-click menu:

The archive will appear in the same pane.

To set the default archiver and to tune the archiver's settings, go to Preferences.

If you need to pack files and move the archive to the target pane simultaneously, follow these steps:

1. Set the source folder (directory) in one pane, and the target one in the other.

2. Select the files you want to archive and move.

3. Click the Archive toolbar button.

4. Set the archiver type and customize compression settings:

5. The archive will appear in the target pane.

You can also use the following hotkeys:

Ctrl + F5 - Compress files

Ctrl + Alt + F5 - Compress files with options