USB Network Gate Product Page

The USB Network Gate Software Development Kit (SDK) is a set of software development tools that allow incorporating the USB Network Gate technology into (or providing as a component to accompany) your own software/hardware product.


With the SDK License, you can integrate the USB Network Gate functionality into your own solution and redistribute your end product to an unlimited number of end-users.


Note: the SDK License also implies several limitations. Make sure you’ve read the full SDK License Agreement.

Purchasing the USB Network Gate SDK License you get:

1The SDK package (EveUSB_SDK.pkg) that lets you distribute USB Network Gate daemon inside your product. EveUSB_SDK.pkg contains the daemon (eveusbd) and USB Network Gate drivers;
2The documentation on how to manage USB Network Gate daemon from your application;
3The SDK activation code for USB Network Gate quiet installation and activation on end-users’ machines;
4SDK User Manual;
FREE BONUS: Single License for unlimited shared USB devices which allows you to use the GUI version of USB Network Gate
for its better understanding.

SDK Installation

Distribution of USB Network Gate technology inside your product can be achieved by installing the USB Network Gate SDK package on the end-user system and executing a special command.

To install USB Network Gate SDK on the end-user system, do the following:

  1. First, on the developer’s machine, register USB Network Gate with the SDK activation code that you get from us after the purchase.
    Then, install the file found under the following path: /var/db/eveusb.db on the end user`s machine.

  2. Install EveUSB_SDK.pkg (it is already included into the free SDK Evaluation Kit) on the end user`s machine.
    To install USB Network Gate for Mac silently use:

    sudo installer -pkg EveUSB_SDK.pkg -target
  3. Launch the daemon and the drivers by executing the following command:
    sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/us.electronic.eveusb.daemon.plist

    The package you get from us contains all the necessary components:
    • /Library/Frameworks/EveUSB.framework
    • /Library/Preferences/us.electronic.eveusb.daemon.plist
    • /Library/LaunchDaemons/us.electronic.eveusb.daemon.plist
    • /private/var/log/us.electronic.eveusb.daemon.log

Note: Before installation of EveUSB SDK, make sure that other USB Network Gate versions, that may be present in your system, are uninstalled.

To uninstall USB Network Gate SDK from the end-user system, do the following:

  1. Stop the daemon by executing the following command: 
    sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/us.electronic.eveusb.daemon.plist
  2. Delete all the installed components;
  3. Execute the following command:
    sudo pkgutil --forget us.electronic.pkg.eveusb.sdk

Accessing USB Devices in Remote Desktop Session

To be able to use USB Network Gate in RDP session, EveUSB_FreeRDP_Plugin.pkg (which is already included in the free SDK Evaluation Kit) should be installed on the end-user system.

To uninstall USB Network Gate from the end-user system, follow the steps below:

  1. Remove the following file from the end-user system:
  2. Then execute the following command:
    sudo pkgutil --forget us.electronic.pkg.eveusb.freerdp_plugin

To use EveUSB SDK, you will need the header files and the static library (they are provided together with the SDK package right after the purchase).

There are two header files: eveusb.h and device.h which provide API for C++ programming language.

eveusb.h contains API for daemon management;

device.h contains declaration for class Device that represents local or remote USB devices (or USB ports, if more precisely).

libEveUSB.a is a static library, which enables other applications to send requests to the eveusbd daemon.

EveUSB_SDK.pkg contains a console tool named “eveusbc” which, in its essence, is a sample demonstrating USB Network Gate functionality.

Use “eveusbc help” (without quotes) to get the list of available commands.

eveusbc.cpp contains source code of eveusbc.

stringtools.h is a header file used in the sample source code.

SDK Evaluation

To let you evaluate the SDK version before purchasing, we are ready to send you the free SDK Evaluation Kit. You can try integrating the USB Network Gate technology into your software or hardware project. 

The USB Network Gate SDK Evaluation Kit can also be launched in the GUI mode for testing and review purposes. The GUI version will be fully functional within 14 days. When the 14-day evaluation period is over, you will need to activate USB Network Gate to continue using the GUI version of the software. To activate USB Network Gate, enter the activation code of the Single License for unlimited shared USB devices which you get as a free bonus.

You can request the SDK Evaluation Kit here.